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3 Signs That Your Lehigh Valley House is Vulnerable to Burglars (And How to Fix Them)

This post isn’t meant to alarm you, in fact, it is meant to give you more information about what you can do to make your home more safe. So, as you read along, don’t be discouraged, be excited that you can start to change something right away.

Your Front Door

Believe it or not, the front door is the most popular entry location for burglars. Unfortunately, you’re not the only one who leaves their door open at night and that’s not a good sign. Start your home safety revamp by taking a look at that front door and securing it either by locking it each night, or upping your security system game.

Your Trash

Did you get a new 65 inch TV? Why not let the whole neighborhood (and potential burglars) know by putting the box out on the curb. While this seems a bit silly, it’s definitely a billboard to those who also want a 65 inch TV but didn’t want to pay for it. Cut that box up before you put it out to get taken away.

Your Neighborhood

Burglars tend to target more upscale and new developments. That doesn’t mean that you won’t be targeted if you don’t live in one of those areas, however. Burglars also tend to NOT target homes that are in well-lit or conspicuous areas. If you’re able to better light your house from the outside, go for it. Also, it’s a good idea to know your neighbors, or at least those that are immediately next to you. They may see things you don’t see and having better communication with them can only help you both monitor your neighborhood.

We’ll give some more tips in the future, but these are perfect to get you started on better securing your home.

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