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Best Locks for Your Buck

In today’s day and age locks are sometimes more than just the typical deadbolt lock and key that most people are use to, there are even smart locks coming to market that work via Bluetooth! As you can imagine the prices of these new locks could be steep but are they worth it? With the variety of new locks and their prices increasing you might be asking, what is the best bang for my buck in the realm of locks?

Here are the Top 5 Best Locks for according to

Best Deadbolt: Kwikset 985 Double Cylinder
Best Entry Locksets: Handleset: Kwikset 992 Juno Entry Knob
Best Keyless Door Lock: Kwikset 914 SmartCode Deadbolt
Best Mortise Lock: Prime-Line Products E 2293
Best new Technology: Kwikset Kevo 925 Bluetooth

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