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The 10 Most Stolen Cars in the United States in 2017

Thankfully, car theft has been on a downward trend since the 1990s due to anti-theft technology, but there are still cars stolen every day.

Here is a list of the most stolen cars in the United States. Of course, if you own one that doesn’t mean that you’re going to get your car stolen tomorrow, but it does mean that you may want to take a few more steps to ensure your car is safe from thieves.

Take a look at the list, compiled by the National Transportation Safety Board.

1. 1997 Honda Accord

2. 1998 Honda Civic

3. 2006 Ford Pick-Up (Full Size)

4. 2004 Chevrolet Pick-Up (Full Size)

5. 2016 Toyota Camry

6. 2015 Nissan Altima

7. 2001 Dodge Pick-Up (Full Size)

8. 2015 Toyota Corolla

9. 2008 Chevrolet Impala

10. 2000 Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee

Protect yourself and give 24/7 Emergency Locksmith if you’re locked out, or are interested in more lock service:(484) 891-1922

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


What To Do When You Break Down on a Highway

We’ve all been there and if you haven’t, the odds are pretty good it’ll happen to you in the future. We’re talking about breaking down on the side of a highway, or really any road for that matter. While it’s frustrating and can really throw a wrench into your day, don’t fear! The best thing to do is to keep calm and realize you may be there for a little while. Here are some tips to help you out the next time it happens to you.

First thing’s first, if you know that your breakdown is beyond something that you can handle yourself (a flat tire for instance, be sure to call for help right away.

Don’t flag down other vehicles for assistance. While it may seem like a good thing to do, you want to be able to rely on professionals to help you.

Don’t stand behind or next to your vehicle. It’s a worse case scenario, but if another vehicle hits yours, it could be disastrous if you’re standing nearby.

Use flares, if you have them, or road signs, again if you have them. If you’re fresh out of those items, be sure to stock up before your next trip. In a pinch, a white shirt will do and it notifies police officers or tow truck drivers that help is needed.

Be patient! Depending on where you broke down, it could take some time for help to get to you. The best thing for you to do is stay calm until it arrives.

If you’re stranded because you locked your keys in your car, be sure to call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith in the Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton areas of the Lehigh Valley: (484) 891-1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Tips To Get Your Car Unstuck From the Snow from 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

No matter how much salt you put down or how early you get out to shovel, some days you’re just going to get your car stuck in the snow.

Having a few ideas of how to get your car unstuck from the snow can go a long way to getting you back on your way much faster.

DON’T SPIN YOUR TIRES: This is the first mistake many people make and one done sometimes out of the sheer frustration of being stuck. If your tires aren’t in contact with the road at all, spinning your wheels is just going to get you more stuck.

GET LOW AND ROCK OUT: After you’ve done at least some bit of shoveling, get in the car and get into your lowest gear. Attempt to start “rocking” the car by driving ahead a little bit and then heading in reverse. The forward or backward momentum may be enough to push you over the hump and back on the road.

TURN THE WHEELS: If rocking doesn’t work at first, turn your wheels from side to side a few times and try again.

STILL STUCK?: If you’re still stuck, more shoveling may be needed and perhaps the strength of a friend or two to turn that forward or backward momentum via a push over the hump.

STAY PATIENT: The most important thing is to realize that you’re most likely not the only one stuck and it usually takes some time to get out in the first place.

If you’re stuck because you’re experiencing a lockout, CALL US at (484) 891-1922 for 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


When To Call a Locksmith in Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton

No one likes getting locked out of their home or automobile. No one likes losing their keys. No one likes having to change their locks. Thankfully, we like doing all of these things for you.

While most people know what a locksmith does, it may not be completely clear when its actually time to call a locksmith, such as 24/7 Emergency Locksmith. Here are a few examples of situations where it is time to rely on a professional.

When you’ve locked yourself out of your car without hope. If you’re sure you’ve locked your keys in your car, absolutely cannot find them, know that you can’t get a spare in time, or are in a situation when time is off the essence, it’s time to call a professional. Not only do you not want to risk damaging your car by attempting to get into it on your own, but you also don’t want to risk injuring yourself in the process. Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and we’ll be there before you know it.

When your keys and locks get old at your home. Trust us when we tell you that changing a number of locks isn’t something you want to try without proper training. Sure, it may seem simple when watching a YouTube tutorial, but we’ll take the hassle out of your weekend by replacing your set of locks.

When you’re locked out at home and considering breaking into your own house. We’ve all been there. It’s as easy as breaking that first floor window, right? But, do you really want to deal with the aftermath of a broken window? We know that it’s not the first route you want to go down, but if you’ve lost the key to your home, don’t waste any more time and give 24/7 Emergency Locksmith a call.

If you’ve broken your key in your lock, whether it is your car or front door, we know the feeling. It’s a sunken heart and it’s the last thing you need to deal with at the end of the day. Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and we’ll take the hassle out of your lockout situation and get you back inside in minutes.

CALL US: (484) 891-1922 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


How to Find Your Car in a Busy Parking Lot

Whether you’re shopping on Black Friday or leaving the stadium after a football game, we’ve all had that sinking feeling of not remembering where we parked our car.

Here are a few ways to remember where you parked your car in a crowded parking lot. Before you say “Hey 24/7 Emergency Locksmith people, these are all pretty obvious suggestions” remember that you, too, have been lost in a parking lot.

1. Hit the Panic Button
If you know that your car is probably nearby, hitting the panic button is a surefire way to find it. This isn’t the best method if you’re in a loud environment or your car is out of range, of course.

2. Park Near a Landmark
If you have the choice to park your car near something recognizable from a distance like a sign or a specific corner of a lot. Of course, this only works if there are certain signs or items in the parking lot to park next to.

3. Take a picture / Use Your Map
Technology is a wonderful thing. Many driving and map mobile apps for your smartphone give you the ability to place a pin where you parked. Once you’re heading back to your car, all you have to do is follow the map. Taking a picture can also help you jog your memory when it’s time to head home.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Stay Safe in Parking Lots and Parking Garages

The holiday shopping season is supposed to be fun, but, let’s be honest, it’s usually a little stressful. In between remembering your shopping list and trying to figure out what you’re supposed to get your father-in-law, you might not even give a second thought to staying safe when you park your car in public parking lots or garages at malls or downtown areas, or anywhere really.

Here are a few ways you can stay safe when parking.

Plan Ahead
Try to shop during the dwindling daylight hours if possible and don’t carry around lots of cash. Also, remember where you parked. That may sound silly, but walking around aimlessly for a few dozen minutes isn’t exactly the quickest way to get back to your car.

Park and Lock it Up
If you can park with an attendant, that’s a good move. Otherwise, try to park as close to an entrance as possible. If you’re making multiple shopping stops throughout the day and can’t bring your purchases home in-between, make sure you don’t leave those gifts out in plain view for a thief to see.

Be Alert
Being distracted is exactly what any thief wants for you to be. When you’re heading back to your car, be alert. Have your keys in hand and be aware of your surroundings.

Hopefully, everything will go smoothly for you this shopping season, but do yourself a favor and be smart when parking and heading back to your car as well. And, of course, if you find that you’ve locked yourself out, call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith at (484) 891-1922 and we’ll be there to help in a flash.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Four Ways to De-Ice a Car Lock

If your car lock is frozen, 24/7 Emergency Locksmith is always available to come help you out by calling (484) 891-1922.

And while we recommend calling us if your car lock is frozen, as we’ll be able to fix it safely and without damage, here are a few interesting ways you can de-ice a lock in a pinch.

1. Petroleum Jelly
It’s a bit messy, but if you dip your key in petroleum jelly and put it into the lock, move it around and wait a bit, it can melt the ice inside the lock.

2. Hand sanitizer
That little bottle of hand sanitizer you have hanging on your key chain that you never use? Well, it has rubbing alcohol inside of it, which can lower the freezing point of water and melt the ice inside a car lock. Drip some onto your key and go to town. At least your lock will be super clean.

3. Hot Water
While we don’t always carry around hot water, well, ever, many people do have hot coffee in the morning. You can try putting your key into the hot coffee for a bit, drying it off, and then putting it into the lock. You’ll probably want to throw the rest of the coffee away.

4. Lighter
Probably a last resort, but as long as you didn’t put any flammable substances in your lock and it doesn’t have any plastic parts, you could try a lighter on it. We definitely don’t recommend this one.

Again, the best idea here is for you to give 24/7 Emergency Locksmith a call if you’re in the Lehigh Valley and have a iced up lock. We’ll be there quickly, no matter if you’re in the Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton areas.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


How the Cold Can Affect Your Car Locks and When to Call a Locksmith in the Lehigh Valley

Photo courtesy of Leith Nissan

Unfortunately, we tend to only think about our locks when they aren’t working. During day-to-day life, we use locks dozens of times per day, but it’s only when they malfunction that we really truly think about them. That is even more clear when it becomes cold outside in the Lehigh Valley.

Here’s what is happening to your car lock in the cold

The cold makes locks, doors, windows, and keys contract. Locks can get jammed due to frozen mechanisms. The most common lock problems during the cold months found by car owners are frozen doors, door locks, and even power windows. You can always try to spray on some de-icer onto or into the lock or even slightly heat up metal keys to get rid of snow inside the lock.

If you can, park your car inside a garage to avoid snow or low temperatures. Of course, that’s not always an option for most people.

If you find yourself in a spot where your car doors are locked or frozen completely shut, it may be in your best interest to contact 24/7 Emergency locksmith. While you may be able to get yourself out of a sticky situation, you can also do damage to your lock, which is going to be even more inconvenient than having a frozen one.

Don’t worry, we’ll get to you in the Lehigh Valley within 20 min. Call us at (484) 891-1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


These People Locked Their Keys in Their Car, Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith in Allentown, Bethlehem, and Easton Areas For Help!

It’s never fun to lock your keys in your car, especially when you need to be somewhere, are already late, or it’s Monday. We turned to Twitter to take a look at some people who are probably wishing they called 24/7 Emergency Locksmith. if you’re in the Lehigh Valley area and find yourself in a similar situation, please be sure to call us at (484) 891-1922.

We don’t care if it’s 2 in the morning, we’re dedicated to getting you back on the road as fast and safely as possible.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


8 Items To Keep In Your Car in Case You Break Down

Photo courtesy of MVSOttawa

Of course, getting locked out of your car isn’t the only worry you have when you’re out on the road and away from home. Breaking down, especially in inclement weather, can sometimes turn into a life or death situation.

Here are some times to make sure you keep in your car in case you find yourself in a sticky situation.

1. First Aid Kit:

This should probably be one of the first things you pack in your glove box or trunk. Having a first aid kit is important, as is making sure that the items inside are not expired.

2. Flashlight: You know what? Keep an extra flashlight everywhere you go, include your office and basement.

3. Water Bottles: Who says bottled water is silly? Having water on hand in an emergency is invaluable and inexpensive. Grab an extra case and pack it away.

4. Snacks: No, we’re not talking Cheetohs, but I guess you could pack them in there if you wanted to. Pack away protein bars, nuts, seeds, cereals, dried fruit and even some jerky. These foods last a long time and can help you out in an emergency.

5. Spare Tire: And know how to change it. If you’re unsure, ask someone to help you learn how or simply use YouTube.

6. Jumper Cables: It seems like less and less people carry these with them nowadays. Change that trend.

7. Gloves and Warm Clothing: Even pack a few blankets for extra measure.

8. Flares: Breaking down at night on the side of a highway can be a dangerous situation made less so with the use of roadside flares.

And, as always, if you find yourself in a lockout situation, be sure to contact 24/7 Emergency Locksmith in the Lehigh Valley. We’ll be there to help! (484) 891-1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922