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A Few Fun Locks on eBay

Believe it or not, we don’t mind looking at locks and learning more about them even though we deal with them throughout the work day.

Locks are fascinating to locksmiths and it’s always fun to share a little bit of what we find interesting with you.

We recently came across a treasure trove of fun old lock items on eBay that we’d like to share. Of course, we don’t endorse these items or suggest you purchase them, we just thought they were really cool!

Take a look.

A Lot of Skeleton Keys

You never know what you’re gonna get in one of these, but if the price is low, then they can be worth it.

A Lot of Small Padlocks

Just like the skeleton keys, never pay much for a lot of these types of items. They can be great for a variety of things beyond simply collecting, including art projects. Always worth a look.

What’s Old is New Again

Sometimes you can find some interesting old style locks that were recently made. Of course, these shouldn’t come at a premium and are fun accents to home decor or your collection of lock items.

Specific Replicas

Little more than souvenirs, these types of lock items are always fun. They are more fun if you can find them “in the wild” rather than purchasing them online, but maybe that’s just our opinion!

Weird Stuff

Every type of thing you can collect, whether it’s comic books or baseball cards, you’ll always have those odd items that you just might need to have only because it exists.

Whatever your collection, have fun with the next find!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Tips on How to Move on From a Break-In

The after effects of a break-in can go long beyond missing or broken items. Those effects can also be found inside those who were violated by this crime, even if they weren’t home and never encountered the criminal themselves.

As with any trauma, getting past an event like a break-in can require time and maybe even professional help. The list below is meant to guide you on your journey.

  1. Step up security: You’ll want to change your locks, take another look at all entryways, and probably think about a home security system. We can help with that.
  2. Invite friends and family over: It’s easy to feel alone when, well, you’re alone. Inviting some friends, family, or neighbors over can help you to feel comfortable and at home again.
  3. Get support: There are a variety of ways to reach out for help. Whether it be professional or personal, do what is right for you.
  4. Avoid making big life decisions: Don’t try to make yourself feel differently by buying a large new item or making a big time decision, like a job change. You need to give yourself some time to heal.
  5. Rearrange and redecorate: It’s your space and it’s important to make it feel that way again. Take some time to redecorate and rearrange and make your home feel like new again!

Take your personal emotions seriously after a break-in and know that it’s very normal to have a wide variety of emotions.


We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Child Lock Options

When it comes to the safety of your children, nothing is more important. While your home should be secured from the outside for your protection, extra precautions must be taken when your little ones within your home as well. Here are a few different types of child locks that you might not have known about.

Sliding Cabinet Locks

The classic slide lock is used to hold a cabinet shut. Tried and true, and still very much used today.

Strap Locks

This type has a strong adhesive on both ends. Then the locking mechanism pops in and out of place as needed. They are also adjustable for a variety of needs.

Magnetic Locks

These interesting contraptions require a strong magnet, included with the kit, to pop open the mechanism from the inside of the cabinet or drawer. You just hold the magnet on the outside and the lock opens.

Door Knob Locks

Available in a variety of options, door knob locks make the knob unable to turn. Some surround the knob and require an adult-strength squeeze, while others make a lever handle door unable to turn by holding it into place.

Spring Cabinet Locks

These handy devices keep cabinets from opening unless they are pressed down to allow a spring loaded lever to release the edge of the cabinet housing.

Bonus: Child Car Door Lock

This amazing invention should already be in your vehicle. It’s basically a small switch so a car door can only be opened from the outside.These are just a few of the varieties of child locks, and many designs exist, so there will be something out there just for what you need.So when it comes to child proofing your home, there are some great options out there. Just be aware of what your specific safety needs are and you’ll have your home secure from those curious little hands.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Parking Lot Safety in the Lehigh Valley

Our first priority is safety. That goes for all of our team members. We want to get you out of a lockout situation, but we want to do it as safely as possible.

We also want our customers to be safe in situations where lockouts can occur, like in parking lots.

Here are a few tips to keep you safe!

  • Always note where you parked.
  • Avoid parking near shrubbery or the side of vans that has the slide open doors.
  • Be aware of your surroundings watching for suspicious people or activities.
  • Be cautious in parking garages — it is harder to see pedestrians.
  • Drivers of motorcycles and bicycles are to follow the same traffic rules as drivers of vehicle.
  • Keep the tank filled with sufficient gas and in good mechanical condition.
  • Keep your valuables locked in the trunk and out of sight.
  • Lock the doors and roll up windows once you are in the vehicle.
  • Park as close as you can to your building in a highly visible and well-lit area.
  • Reduce speeds in bad weather.
  • Slow Down! The speed limit in LSCS parking lots is 10 mph.
  • Returning to your vehicle:
  • Look inside your vehicle before entering.
  • Lock all doors and turn on your headlights.
  • Limit the amount of time you spend idle in the car.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Watch the 24/7 Emergency Lock Canine Unit in Action

The 24/7 Emergency Locksmith Canine Unit is always looking to improve their abilities.

Take a look at one of our team members in action! Click the pic above to watch on Facebook.


We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Thank You, Lehigh Valley, for These Reviews!

Every month, we try to take some time and thank every single person who gave us a review! We understand that your time is important, which makes these reviews mean even more to us.

Don’t take our word for it! If you need help in a lockout situation in the Lehigh Valley, trust those we have helped recently in your neighborhoods.

Please leave us a review!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


A Look at a Few Locksmith Tools (VIDEO)

If you’ve ever seen our 24/7 Emergency Locksmith vans out and about in the Lehigh Valley, you’ll notice that we carry a wide variety of equipment that allows us to safely, securely, and swiftly get you out of a lockout situation.

Stay tuned for a tour of one of our vans! In the meantime, watch this video on some of the tools of the trade. There are many more, but this is a good primer!

Click the link above to view the full video.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Signs It’s Time to Service Your Locks

When you need a locksmith, we are there for you 24/7… but we are for much more than just emergencies. Sometimes you just need a professional’s opinion if something seems off with the security of your home, business, or vehicle.

But what should you be looking for to know your locks should be serviced? The things to look for are surprisingly simple.

Are they just not working like they used to?

Does the key stick when it didn’t used to?

Does the lock unlock too easily?

Are there signs of wear or rust on the lock?

Does the door itself have damage? Does it just not seem “right?”

Basically, if you notice anything unusual it’s best to talk to a pro. There are just too many elements that could be at fault, and a professional locksmith knows what to look for.Give yourself peace of mind by making sure your security is a good as it can get at the very first signs of a possible issue.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Does the Weather Have an Effect on Your Locks?

The changing of the seasons means there are a variety of things to do including yard work, gutter cleaning, and even a change of seasonal decorations… but the change also means weather that can affect your locks.

But how?

During the spring and summer, the additional humidity can cause the wood of doors and windows to swell making locks and deadbolts stick.

On the other hand, during fall and winter, the lack of moisture in the air can cause the opposite issues. This can mean a variety of problems that can exacerbate potential damage that may already be present.

So what do you do?

If your locks are causing any issues, your best bet is to call a locksmith.

If a lock is already beginning to have problems, the added stress from additional sticking can cause further malfunction and damage. A locksmith can assess what’s going on to see if any additional measures are needed to keep your security optimal.

Have sticking locks? Call us!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


YouTuber Decodes Master Lock Personal Safe in Seconds

Being locksmiths, you would expect that we also enjoy all that comes along with our profession. Sometimes, while perusing the web looking for the latest locksmith updates, we stumble across things we just need to share.

This video, by LockPickingLawyer, is one of those things. You would think that a personal safe like this would be, well, safe. Watch as he takes it down in seconds!

Click to watch it all go down.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922