No matter what it means to you, you won’t have a good spring if you don’t take care of your vehicle. And, thankfully, it’s not that difficult.
Here are a few Spring car care tips!
Change your oil and filter
Just think of it as spring cleaning for your car as well. Everyone knows that it’s a good idea to change their car’s oil at the suggested intervals to keep it running efficiently and keeping gas consumption at a desirable level.
Replace your wiper blades
Your windshield wipers take a beating throughout the winter months so it might be time to get a pair of new ones.
Check your lighting
When’s the last time you turned on your car’s lights, including the four-ways, and walked around your car to see if they all work? Never? Well, it’s time to take a look.
Check your tires
Tires also go through a lot of stress throughout the winter months. If you’re not someone who regularly switches between winter and summer tires, it’s a good idea to do a visual check of them and to check the pressure once the weather gets a bit nicer.
Give your windshield a once over
Winter roads are full of salt and debris and other items that can put a beating on your windshield. Take a look at your windshield for any small cracks that could present a problem down the road. If you do spot a crack, it’s important (and most times less expensive) to fix it early.
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