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Lehigh Valley Fall Car Checklist Items

The change of a season is always a good time time to do a few checkups on your car, and that’s not exception in the Lehigh Valley. In fact, since the Lehigh Valley is home to such a variety of weather throughout the year, it’s maybe as important as an area as anywhere else in which you should check your car out.

Here are some great tips from our friends at the Car Care Council:

Heating, Wipers & Lights

– Make sure heaters, defrosters and wipers work properly.
– Consider winter wiper blades and use cold-weather washer fluid. As a general rule, wiper blades should be replaced every six months.
– Check to see that all exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed.

Tires & Brakes

– Check the tire tread depth and tire pressure of all tires, including the spare. If snow and ice are a problem in your area, consider special tires designed to grip slick roads.
– During winter, tire pressure should be checked weekly.
– Have the brakes checked. The braking system is the vehicle’s most important safety item.

Gas, Oil & Filters

– Keep your gas tank at least half full throughout the cold weather to prevent moisture from forming in gas lines and possibly freezing.
– Be diligent about changing the oil and filter at recommended intervals. Dirty oil can spell trouble in winter
– Consider changing to “winter weight” oil if you live in a cold climate.
– Check the fuel, air and transmission filters at the same time.

System Checks – Charging, Cooling & Exhaust

– Have the battery and charging system checked, as cold weather is hard on batteries.
– Clean, flush and put new antifreeze in the cooling system. As a rule of thumb, this should be done every two years.
– Have the exhaust system checked for carbon monoxide leaks, which can be especially dangerous during cold weather driving when windows are closed.

Pack the Essentials

– Make sure that your ice scraper and snow brush are accessible and ready to use.
– Stock an emergency kit with jumper cables, a flashlight, blankets, extra clothes, bottled water, nonperishable food and a first aid kit with any needed medication.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


5 Ways to Stay Calm if You Locked Your Keys in Your Car

Getting locked out of your car can be an instant panic situation. This can be even more of an issue for those who are predispositioned to such panic attacks. It’s important to remember that, while the initial shock can be scary, you can not only get out of the situation quickly, but you can also calm yourself down.

1. Keep Our Phone Number Hand

Be sure to add 24/7 Emergency Locksmith’s number, (484) 891-1922, into your phone as a contact. This will make it so you’re already set up to call us and don’t have to use your phone to search for a local locksmith. If you’re in the Lehigh Valley area, we’ll come to you.

2. Slow Down and Breathe

Making a conscious effort to slow down your breathing will have an almost immediate effect on your whole body. Breathing more slowly will allow you to take stock in the situation at hand.

3. Tell Yourself to Take a Timeout

Much like slowing down your breathing, saying “Timeout” out loud can actually help you slow your brain down within a chaotic situation. Taking a timeout can give you pause to reevaluate the situation.

4. Look at what you can control

Your keys are locked in the car. You’ve already called 24/7 Emergency Locksmith, so that will be taken care of. Now, what else can you control? Be sure that you’re in a safe place. Be sure you’re on the lookout for the locksmith. Focus on things that you have control over and forget the things that you do not.

5. Smile

It may sound a bit hokey, but there is actual scientific evidence that suggests if you put on a happy face, or even just laugh at the ridiculous situation you got yourself into, it will help to calm you during a stressful time.

Remember, give us a call and we’ll help you get out of your lockout panic situation as quickly as possible!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Are Your Keys Damaging Your Ignition?

If your keys seem to stick in the ignition, you need to give a little extra effort into starting your vehicle each time with a little wiggle, or if you find yourself needing a ‘special’ way of inserting your key, there’s a good chance your ignition has some damage. But how? One of the biggest reasons for ignition damage is simply too much weight on your keys.

From keys for cars, boats, homes, multiple properties, and heavy equipment, to fun accessories like that keychain your five year old gave you for Christmas, our keys can sometimes include a variety of items. While they might not seem like much weight while you carry them around day-to-day, they might be causing unseen damage.

While the weight can cause issues while the car is at a stand still, some of the biggest problems can occur when your car is actually in movement. As the weight of your dangling keys swings and shifts as your drive, the movement can significantly exacerbated the wear on the tumblers inside. This issue can eventually cause ignition failure, since the now worn tumblers are unable to properly engage.

Some experts have said that 9 keys or less won’t cause damage, while others claim that the ignition can withstand a few pounds. Regardless, it’s best to remove some of the weight if the keys simply feel heavy while in the ignition.

So what do you do? There are a few easy steps to make sure that you’re not stressing out your ignition.

Firstly, go though your keychain and take out anything that isn’t needed. You might be surprised what’s been hanging around that’s no longer necessary. Next, add in some removable keychains. These handy contraptions allow you to remove sections of your keychain and easily re-attach as needed. Another suggestion is to simply drive with the ignition key with nothing else. While this might not be the most practical, it also minimizes any damage.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


What to Do While Waiting For the Locksmith

When you realize you lock yourself out of your house or car, you know that you have to call a locksmith. When you call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith, we can be there in 20 minutes to help you get back into your house or car and on your way! That is right, 20 minutes.

So, what can you do while you wait for us? Not much, but we will give you some ideas so you won’t get too bored.

Play on Your Smartphone

We live in the future and everyone has a miniature computer in their purse or back pocket. Unless you are in the middle of nowhere and hardly get any service, you should be able to play on your phone. Download a game, check your social media, go through your old pictures, or even delete old contacts. The options are endless.

Complete the Rubik’s Cube

This obviously only works if you have a Rubik’s Cube in your purse, car, or carry it around in your pocket. Now is your chance to finally solve that colorful little cube and feel successful. You don’t have anywhere to be, or maybe you do but at the moment you are stuck where you are! So, this moment is better than any other.

Think About Life

If this is something you have been avoiding thinking about for a while, now is the time. You don’t have anything to distract you, except maybe your phone and Rubik’s Cube, so start thinking about a life problem and try to come to a solution!

Call Your Mom

Your mom probably misses you and has been waiting for this call for a year. Give her a call and tell her what has been going on in your life and ask about hers. This is a great time to make the call because you have an excuse to get off the phone once we arrive! Just a quick 20 minute call and then you are off the hook for another year!

Do Some Exercises

If you have been avoiding the gym and working out lately, this is a perfect time to quickly do some jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches, or even a few sprints. It is just a 20 minutes workout, it is not going to kill you. You may even feel better after it!

Whatever you do with your 20 minutes is up to you, the options are endless. But the point is, 24/7 Emergency Locksmith will be there in a hurry to help you out and get you on with your daily routine. Contact us today if you need help with a lockout or any other locksmith issues!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


The “S” Method Parallel Parking Tips From 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

Before you can lock your car, you have to be able to park it effectively. And, while we all think we’re the best parkers in the history of the world, we can always use a bit of a refresher when it comes to parallel parking.

Take a look at one of the most common parallel parking methods, the “S” Method.

1. Turn on your signal and pull up about three feet away from the car you plan to park behind. You’ll want to align your back tires with the other car’s back bumper

2. Put your car into reverse and then turn your steering wheel all the way to the right.

3. Back up until your car is now at a 45 degree angle from its original position, and then stop.

4. Now, turn your wheels all the way to the left.

5. Back up and into the spot slowly until your car is now parallel with the curb.

6. You should be about or less than 12 inches from the curb.

Practice makes perfect!

If you have any locksmith needs, 24/7 Emergency Locksmith will be there in 20 minutes or less in the Lehigh Valley

CALL US: (484) 891-1922 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


How to Protect Your Car from Being Broken Into from 24/7 Emergency Locksmith of the Lehigh Valley

24/7 Emergency Locksmith of the Lehigh Valley is there when you need us for any type of lockout situation. But, we’re also the type of company that doesn’t want to see you get into a bad situation, either.

Here are a few ways to keep your car safe from being broken into. Of course, if you need us, just call us at (484) 891-1922.

Remove Valuables from your Car

One of the most frequent reasons for thieves to target a car is the simple fact that they see something in the car through the window. Remove any sort of valuable item from your car before you leave it. If you have to leave any valuable items in your car, be sure to cover them up or put them in a space that is not visible.

Protect Your Car

Most modern cars already come with some sort of alarm system. Be sure to lock and/or alarm your car before you leave it.

Fake It

If you don’t have a car that has a security system, that’s no problem. Just get a sticker that says that you have one. Believe it or not, if your car has a sticker on it that says that is its protected by a security system, there are much higher odds that a thief will pass it over.

Tint Your Windows

Tinting your windows doesn’t just make you “cool” it also keeps people from seeing what is inside your vehicle. As long as you’re installing tint that is within your state’s code, go for it.

Park in a Well Lit Place

Let’s be honest, a thief is going to attempt to break into a car if it’s in a dark area much more frequently than if it’s in a well-lit one. Park your car in as well-lit of an area as you can.

Be sure to call us if you need help in a lockout situation at (484) 891-1922!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


What Are The Different Types of Car Door Locks?

We might not think too hard about the types of door locks that our cars have, but beyond being interesting, it can sometimes come in handy to know what your car is equipped with. Let’s take a look.

Manual Lock Cylinders

This lock has a knob on the inside of the car that can be pulled up or pushed down. You see these locks all the time in horror movies when the character is trying to get away! If you pull the knob up, the door is unlocked. If you push it down, the door is locked. This lock requires a key for operation.

Automatic Door Lock Types

Would you believe that keyless car locks started all the way back in 1980 by Ford Motor Company? It’s true. These locks are much more common today and can be identified by a pin pad on the door.

Remote Key-Less Systems

What started out as something only found in pricier cars is commonplace today. Remote key systems operate by a radio frequency and a key fob. Some require the owner to push a button to open and lock and some actually just open automatically when an owner is close to the vehicle.

Child Safety Locks

Most cars have child safety locks built into their back doors. The obvious intent here is to keep a child from opening the door in the back. The locks, when engaged, make the inside back door handles useless, keeping kids safe.

If you get locked out, be sure to contact us 24 hours per day at (484) 891-1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Important Things to Bring on Your Road Trip

Planning a trip is fun but can get stressful. Whether you are driving across the country or just to the other side of the state, you want to make sure you plan for everything. As we all know, life doesn’t always go as planned, and being prepared for the worst (or even just minor hiccups) can help you get through the rough patches with ease.

On a road trip a lot can go wrong — you can get a flat tire, get lost, get in a car accident, lose your car keys, or even lock yourself out of the car. Hitting the road can be a freeing feeling, but when you run into problems, the freedom is lost.

There are a few things you need to be aware of when you head out on the open road, things you want to prepare for and items you want to be sure to bring. In this blog, we will go over some of those things.


If you get stuck in the snow or your car breaks down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, you will want to have blankets ready just in case the temperature drops. Blankets are also just great to have on a road trip, allowing you to get a little cozier when you are not the driver.

First Aid Kit

Whether you get in a minor car accident or just trip over a stump after taking a stretch break, a first aid kit is always good to have. Even the smallest first aid kit is equipped with bandages, ibuprofen, small scissors, gauze, medical tape, ointment, and disinfectant. That stuff can come in handy in many different situations.

Spare Tire

Getting a flat can really ruin your road trip, and while a spare tire won’t help you finish that road trip, it can help you get to the nearest tire shop. Most vehicles have a spare tire ready to access at any moment, but making sure you have a spare before hitting the road can help give you  peace of mind.

24/7 Emergency Locksmith

If you are driving through the Bethlehem, PA area during your road trip, but sure to have 24/7 Emergency Locksmith contact information. We can help you with anything from cutting you a new car key to repairing your ignition. If you are locked out of your car, lost your keys, or need any other locksmith services, we have you covered. We can help you in no time and have you back on the open road!

Remember to pack the important things before heading out on your road trip. If anything does happen you will be relieved when you realize you are prepared. Contact 24/7 Emergency Locksmith today with any locksmith issues you may have!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Happy Holidays from 24/7 Emergency Locksmith

There’s nothing quite like the holidays in the Lehigh Valley and we wanted to take this time to wish you the best during them.

From Lights in the Parkway in Allentown to shopping downtown in the Christmas City of Bethlehem to visiting some of the fine dining in Easton and viewing the Peace Candle, the Lehigh Valley has it all when it comes to Christmastime.

24/7 Emergency locksmith is proud to serve the communities within the Lehigh Valley and we’re thankful to have met so many great people within the last year.

We take great pride in serving our customers as quickly and professionally as possible. We understand how it feels to be locked out of your home or car. With that in mind, we strive every day to meet your needs.

We look forward to serving you in the coming year and we want to make sure you know exactly who to call when you’re in need of a locksmith in the Lehigh Valley: 24/7 Emergency Locksmith at (484) 891-1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


When To Call a Locksmith in Allentown, Bethlehem, or Easton

No one likes getting locked out of their home or automobile. No one likes losing their keys. No one likes having to change their locks. Thankfully, we like doing all of these things for you.

While most people know what a locksmith does, it may not be completely clear when its actually time to call a locksmith, such as 24/7 Emergency Locksmith. Here are a few examples of situations where it is time to rely on a professional.

When you’ve locked yourself out of your car without hope. If you’re sure you’ve locked your keys in your car, absolutely cannot find them, know that you can’t get a spare in time, or are in a situation when time is off the essence, it’s time to call a professional. Not only do you not want to risk damaging your car by attempting to get into it on your own, but you also don’t want to risk injuring yourself in the process. Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and we’ll be there before you know it.

When your keys and locks get old at your home. Trust us when we tell you that changing a number of locks isn’t something you want to try without proper training. Sure, it may seem simple when watching a YouTube tutorial, but we’ll take the hassle out of your weekend by replacing your set of locks.

When you’re locked out at home and considering breaking into your own house. We’ve all been there. It’s as easy as breaking that first floor window, right? But, do you really want to deal with the aftermath of a broken window? We know that it’s not the first route you want to go down, but if you’ve lost the key to your home, don’t waste any more time and give 24/7 Emergency Locksmith a call.

If you’ve broken your key in your lock, whether it is your car or front door, we know the feeling. It’s a sunken heart and it’s the last thing you need to deal with at the end of the day. Call 24/7 Emergency Locksmith and we’ll take the hassle out of your lockout situation and get you back inside in minutes.

CALL US: (484) 891-1922 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922