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Why Can Key Fobs Be So Expensive?

Back in the day (ten years or so or more) getting a new key for your car wasn’t that big of a deal. Sure, it wasn’t much fun and you still had to contact your car dealer, but at least it wasn’t prohibitively expensive and wasn’t a huge pain in the rear end.

Nowadays, however, with key fobs that make our life easier, replacing one can be a much bigger pain in that rear end.


The automobile key fob sure makes life easier: You can lock your car from your bedroom and find it in a parking garage by activating flashing lights.

But if you lose or break your fob, you can’t replace it for a few bucks at the local hardware store, the way you can your old-fashioned house keys.

In all likelihood, replacing the fob will cost hundreds of dollars, maybe even more than $1,000, if you drive an expensive luxury vehicle.

That’s what Albert Pierce wanted to know. It cost him $347 to replace a broken fob to his 2013 Nissan Altima. He paid it grudgingly at the service department of Boch Nissan in Norwood, after what he told me was a “long, serious discussion” with one of the managers. SOURCE: Boston Globe


Thankfully, 24/7 Emergency Locksmith can take a few steps out of getting your new key fob made for you.

First of all, we can bring that key fob right to you and we can usually cut your new key right on site.

For more information, please give us a call at (484) 891-1922

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