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Locked Out in the Snow in the Lehigh Valley? Call Us

Getting locked out of your car is a pain in the first place. Getting locked out in the cold or snow can be a serious problem.

24/7 Emergency Locksmith is here for you when you need us any hour day or night.

If you find yourself in a lock out situation, CALL US: 484 891 1922 | 24/7 EMERGENCY SERVICE

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Thank You For Your Locksmith Reviews, Lehigh Valley!

We take time every month to thank our customers who have left us positive reviews online.

We understand that leaving a review may be the furthest thing from your mind after you’re able to get back into your car and get on your way. Because of that fact, we are especially thankful.

Have a safe and happy week!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Tips for Driving on Wet Leaves in the Lehigh Valley

Driving on leaves can be as dangerous as driving on ice or in driving rain. Just beacuse those fall leaves look beautiful doesn’t mean they can’t be deadly!

Here are some tips from the National Highway Administration on driving in wet leafy conditions.

What you can do to avoid the danger

1. Reduce speed. If you’re going slower, you’ll have more time to stop.

2. Maintain a healthy distance between you and the driver in front of you, in case that vehicle skids on leaves.

3. Clean off your vehicle. Before starting the engine, clean any leaves off the windshield, top of the car and hood.

4. Make sure your tires have good tread, which helps channel water away from the tires. Less water means more traction.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Keep your dorm room safe

With many students just now enjoying the beginning of summer, there is still the excitement of starting classes in a few months. Perhaps this will even be your first time away from home in your brand new dorm room! While it’s exciting to think about your new friends, decor, and independence… it’s also an important time to think about safety and security.

Here are a few things you should think about when preparing for your time in your new dorm on campus.


It might be tempting to share out your exciting new class schedule… but don’t. If you want, share it privately with those who need it.


While you want to enjoy the freedom of college living, also be aware that you should always keep your space secured.


That snazzy new laptop might look dope sitting on your desk for all to see, but it just isn’t worth it. Stash expensive items away and out of sight.


This is another level of security for those important items you can’t go without. Keep anything of vital importance locked away when not in use.


This can possibly be added to a parent’s homeowner’s insurance, and can assist in replacing items if they are stolen.


On this list we recommend also including serial numbers to any missing items, and even using a subtle color coding with stickers or a spot of nailpolish. That way if something goes missing, it’ll be easier to track it down and claim ownership.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


A Few Tips to Improve Your Memory

Everyone forgets their keys from time to time and there is almost no way to get through adulthood without locking your keys in your car once or twice. It’s just the way of the world. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t a few ways to keep your memory fresh.

Take a look at a few ways to make sure your memory is in tip top shape.

1. Get in a routine: If you go about putting your keys or wallet in the same place every time you get home from work, or make sure your keys go in your purse as soon as you take them out of the ignition in your car, you’re more likely to remember to do it more often. Repetition makes for good habits.

2. Focus: It sounds simple, but if you can direct your attention to something for at least ten seconds, you are more likely to remember it. It’s when we almost get into too much of a routine that we can forget things.

3. Exercise: Not only will your waistline thank you, but your brain will be much more likely to remember with regular exercise.

4. Get a good night’s sleep: We all know that groggy feeling after not sleeping enough. A lack of sleep also contributes to a bad memory. Get those eight hours in!

5. Play brain games: Your smartphone isn’t just for surfing Facebook. There are numerous apps designed to stimulate brain activity that can help you remember where you put your keys last night.

If any of these fail, don’t forget to contact 24/7 Emergency Locksmith when you do lock your keys in your car. We’ll remember to come to you in a jiffy!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Thank You For Our August Reviews, Lehigh Valley!

Every month we thank our supporters! Positive reviews like this help us help more people throughout the Lehigh Valley who encounter themselves in a lockout situation.

Thank you! We’re around 24/7: CALL US: 484 891 1922

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Shop Local in the Lehigh Valley!

We are sure you’ve heard it over the course of the last few months, but with restrictions still in place for many businesses, it’s more important now than ever to support your local businesses.

You can do that via purchasing gift cards, ordering food to go, visiting a shop in person safely, and spreading the word.

Take a look at the Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce’s website if you’re interested in supporting some new local businesses you may not be familiar with.

And remember, if you find yourself in a lockout situation in the Lehigh Valley area, call us at 484 891 1922.

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Thank You For Your Locksmith Reviews, Lehigh Valley

Each month, we take a minute to thank everyone who left us a rating on Google, Facebook, or other platforms. We know that leaving an online review is not the first thing on anyone’s mind after getting out of a lockout situation.

So, we appreciate you taking your time to do so!

Your reviews help us help more people. Thank you, Lehigh Valley

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


How To Properly Clean Off Your Car, Lehigh Valley

Cleaning off your car in the winter is a fact of life. No one is excited to do it. No one enjoys standing out in the cold or the precipitation while they are doing it. But, the simple fact is that cleaning off your car of snow, ice, and other debris as the result of winter weather can literally save lives.

Every year, people are hurt or worse on the roadways as the result of someone not cleaning off their vehicle properly leading to ice flying off their car and striking another.

Get in the habit of cleaning off your car now! Here’s now.

  1. Survey the situation: Is it just snow? Is it ice? Is it not even worth driving in the current conditions? Take a second and see what you’re getting yourself into.
  2. Make sure you have tools available: Pretty much every gas station is going to have brushes or ice scrapers or both. Don’t wait until it starts snowing to buy one. Get one now and leave it in your car.
  3. Start from the top: Clean the top of your car first. It’s the area most people either forget or neglect, so do it first.
  4. Clear off all all windows and the sides as well: There’s no reason to have any windows still covered. Would you drive like that in the summer? All it does is make your more dangerous on the road to yourself and others.
  5. Scrape off all ice: Even if it’s just on the passenger side mirror, scrape it off. Clear your car off as completely as humanly possible.
  6. Check the roads again: Is it safe to drive?
  7. Be safe on the roadway.

Be safe out there this winter season and call us if you’re in a lockout situation! (484) 891-1922

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922


Winter Driving Tips for the Lehigh Valley

It’s rather rare to have a winter in the Lehigh Valley without at least one good snowfall that causes businesses and schools to close. That being said, not everyone is prepared to drive when it snows. We put together a few tips to keep you safely on the road this winter season.

Stay Home: If you don’t need to go out, don’t. If you don’t feel safe driving, don’t. If you have an emergency, call 911. If you’re in a lockout situation, call us at 484-891-1922.

Drive SLOWLY: There’s no reason to drive quickly for really any reason in the snow.

Speed Up and Slow Down Slowly: Hopefully, you’re picking up a theme here. Whether you’re stopping or starting, you want to ease into it to avoid slipping and sliding.

Don’t Tailgate: One of the absolute worst things you can do while driving is to tailgate. That dangerous activity is even more dangerous during a snowfall. Give yourself at least five or six seconds between the car in front of you. Remember, if you slide into it, you may be the one who ends up at fault.

Don’t Force Up a Hill: Gathering speed to rush up a snow covered hill may seem like a logical step, but it can make your car much more unstable and increase your risk of running off the road.

Move Slowly Up a Hill and Don’t Stop: If you need to go over a hill, the best way is to maintain a constant speed and try not to break or accelerate quickly while going up it.

Be safe out there!

We’re Your Professional Local Emergency Locksmith

Our Locksmiths Are Standing By To Help

CALL US: (484) 891-1922